Water purification industry information

Precautions for using water purifier

Views : 56956
Update time : 2021-11-09 11:56:42
With the improvement of people's requirements for the quality of life, water purifiers have gradually entered thousands of households, so how should we use the water purifier correctly, let's discuss the following four water purifiers using precautions.
The machine is noisy
1. When the water purifier is used for the first time, the internal air is not completely discharged;
2. After the water is stopped, the booster pump runs idly and makes a noise;
3. When the water is stopped, the water is re-introduced, there is a lot of air in the water pipe and the filter element, and it can return to normal after being discharged;
Generally speaking, when the water purifier is working, the booster pump will produce some noise. If the noise is not loud, it is normal!

The flow of pure water becomes small or no water comes out
1. Check the tap water, whether the power supply is normal, and whether the electric plug is properly inserted;
2. Whether the filter element has not been replaced for a long time, causing the filter element to be blocked and no water can flow out;
3. Check whether the waste water discharge is too large, causing the waste water ratio to be out of balance;
4. Is it because the weather is too cold and the tap water temperature is too low? Affected by the temperature, the viscosity of the water will increase, resulting in a decrease in the water production of reverse osmosis.

Doesn't work after a long time without water
After the machine is stopped, the machine will run for a long time due to lack of water, and it will enter a self-protection state where it stops working. Unplug the power supply and plug it in again, and the water can be produced normally.
After the water is stopped, a large amount of air enters the water pipe, which will cause the water to flow intermittently, and the water can be restored to normal after a period of time.
If the water supply is restored without the first sewage treatment, a large amount of sediment, rust and other substances deposited in the water pipe will enter the water purifier, causing the filter element to be blocked and causing the machine to not discharge water.

Water purifier shutdown
Some models of the machine will enter the standby state when not in use for a long time, and then restart the power supply.
The water purifier will start the owp timeout protection system for more than one hour of continuous water discharge for 3-5 hours, and the machine will forcibly stop working. At this time, it must be unplugged to work.
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